Eva Schramm and Gary Willis
Is this what you call Love?
00:07:51 1979
Is this what you call Love? is a series of 6 x thirty-second television spots produced to be set into the advertising breaks during a late night romance movie on commercial television (unannounced).
They were not produced as 'video art'. Rather the objective was to counter-point the cinematic romance with a real-life romance, in this case the romantic cycle of the relationship between the artists themselves (Eva Schramm and Gary Willis).
These six thirty-second spots delineate the cyclic nature of their relationship.They begin with the romantic fascination with ‘the other’ and end in a breakout of the trap which love becomes, releasing the lovers to begin the cycle again. In this regard it challenged the classic ‘Love Story’ scenario of the seventies and offered a broader picture of the romantic cycle, albeit in an abbreviated neo-pop cartoon form.
This work was presented in the context of late night romance movies on ABN Channel 9 in Adelaide, during the 1980 'Adelaide Festival for the Arts', and also on CTC Channel 7 in Canberra, during the 'ACT #2 Performance Festival'.
It was produced with the financial assistance of the Australian Film Commission at Open Channel Studios with production and camera work by Robert Randall and Frank Bendinelli; original sound track by Ken Guntar.
DVD available